Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Minecraft Crafting Recipies: Tools (and their uses)

 I am sure that most people reading this blog are already acquainted with crafting recipies... however those of you who are noobs may find this post helpful.
To craft the first 4 items in this review, you need 2 types of materials; sticks, and the material you want the tool to made of. The materials that can be used are gold, wood, cobblestone, Iron, & Diamond (in order of weakest to strongest). For the first 4 tools in this review I used cobblestone (notice that you arrange materials in the crafting window to resemble the item you are trying to make).


 To make an axe, take 2 sticks & 3 pieces of the material of your choice and arrange as seen in the pic above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
Axes are used for breaking wood-related blocks, and also work as a makeshift weapon.

 To make a pick-axe, take 2 sticks & 3 pieces of the material of your choice and arrange as seen in the pic above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
Pick-axes are used for breaking stone, ores, & related items.

 To make a shovel, take 2 sticks & 1 piece of the material of your choice and arrange as seen in the pic above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
 Shovels are used for breaking dirt, sand, & gravel.

 To make a hoe, take 2 sticks & 2 pieces of the material of your choice and arrange as seen in the pic above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
A hoe is used to till ground for planting, to use right click on a dirt block.

 To make a torch, place 1 stick under a piece of either coal (mined the same as stone) or charcoal (obtained by smelting wood in a furnace). Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
Torches are placed to light up areas to stop hostile mob spawning, and to aid seeing in dark areas.

 To make a bucket arrange 3 iron ingots (only iron ingots work, Iron ingot are obtained by smelting iron ore) as seen in the picture above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
buckets are used to carry milk, water, or lava.

To make shears, arrange 2 iron ingots as seen in the picture above.Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
Shears are used to gather wool from sheep without killing (right click on sheep), and to gather leaf blocks.

Flint & Steel
To make flint & steel arrange 1 iron ingot & 1 flint as seen in the pic above. Simply click on the finished product and drag into your inventory or toolbar.
Use flint & steel to light fires.

Like my review? Follow and share my blog with your fellow Minecrafters!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Change in Blog Plans

Ok, I have been busy recently... so I haven't been able to keep up with posting texture pack reviews every other week. So I have changed the name of my Blog, from now on I will also be posting recipies, building tips, and any Minecraft update news that I hear.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sorry for delays.

Ok so I must apologize for not posting anything after Derivation... we have some technical difficulties with the PC i use for Minecraft. As soon as I can I will be posting another review.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Derivation - A Minecraft Texture Pack Review

Derivation is a 32×32 texture pack that draws inspiration from old and new RPGs. I have to say that it is my favorite out of the texture packs I have seen & used so far. I will be comparing this texture pack with the default & giving my opinion on the changes.

Zombie Pigmen
With the default texture pack, it is kinda obvious that the zombie pigman is an undead pig. With Derivation on I wouldn't have known it was a zombie pigman just by looking on it; it doesn't look much like a pig to me.

The blaze is kinda hard to miss with the Default pack; it stands out bright yellow against the reddish netherrack. With Derivation the coloring on the blaze is less bright, and also has some red: it still stands out against the Derivation netherrack, however it blends in more with the nether as a whole & looks more like fire.

Magma Cube
In Default the Magma cube looks reddish-brown, and looks like fire when it jumps. With Derivation on, the first thing that I thought of was a burning coal; I think that it looks like a coal that jumped out of a big fire.

Wither Skeleton
The Default wither skeleton looks like a fire-blackened skeleton holding a stone sword, and they are kinda creepy when they are chasing you through the nether fortress. Derivation turned that into what looks like an evil cartoon robot.

Villagers (each class)

The Default villagers look like bald men with pipes & costume varying according to class. With derivation they look like bird-men, and the best part of the way Derivation has changed them is that each class differs from the others with more than just costume; now these villagers also have different... um, feathers...

Nether Portal (and both torches)
With Derivation the torches look like actual flame burning, and the redstone torches look like red, glowing pieces of stone set on a stick. while the portal looks like souls screaming in a frame of greyish stone (obsidian). The Default portal looks like something out of 'My Little Pony' surrounded by shiny black stone (default obsidian).

Ocelot, Mooshroom, & Cow
The Default texture pack made the ocelots look like cute little kitties, compare to Derivation which makes them look more like a wild animal. also Derivation gave them smaller eyes that are a lighter shade of green which give them the appearance of glowing against their darker bodies. The cows & mooshrooms are also colored much more soberly, and have tiny beady eyes.

The Default sheep look like cute little sheep plushies without a mouth. With Derivation they actually have faces, but still (in my opinion) look like plushies. Maybe it is just because they are sheep...

The default pig looks like a cartoon-ish animal; it is a bright shade of pink. Derivation made the pig a slightly lighter shade of pink that is much less bright. also Derivation gave the pig different eyes, now the appear to have slanted eyes that actually make them look a little mean...

Inventory: Potions
In this snapshot you can see how the potions look different. Derivation changed them to have a rounder appearance than before

Trees & Saplings
The trees looked pretty good the way that they were in Default, but Derivation made them look much better; notice how completely Derivation altered the appearance of the bark & leaves. Also notice the saplings; with the Default they look rather clumsy, Derivation fixed that problem and made them look more like miniature trees.

Mushrooms & Flowers
With Derivation, the red mushrooms were bright red with white spots, while the brown mushrooms were the shade of coffee with milk. Also the flowers (like the saplings) looked rather clumsy; with Derivation both of the mushrooms look darker, while the flowers look more like, well... flowers.

Wooden Chests & Ender Chest
The Default texture makes the chests look like cardboard boxes with a lock, while Derivation makes them look like sturdy wooden boards bolted together with an iron frame. Derivation smooths out the texture of the Ender Chest & places a big, red eye on it.

the various grass items are shown in these pictures here. Derivation changes the ferns to look more like clumps of tall grass, the grass to look more like... um, grass; and the dead bushes to look like cactuses.

Inventory: Swords, Tools, & Armor
Derivation changed the armor & swords to look more like the stuff that you see in a game like Neverwinter or World of Warcraft. It gave the wooden tools leaves little green sprouts, while it made the stone, iron & gold tools look WAY sexier.

Inventory: assorted items

Inventory: more assorted items
Here are some of the items; Derivation gave the items more detailed appearances & makes some of them look medieval.

Wheat, Carrots, & Potatoes
The Default texture pack made the wheat look rather awkward, and not really like a wheat plant, while the carrot & potato plants didnt really look like carrots & potatoes. Derivation made the wheat actually look like a plant, and made the carrots look more like carrots. However, it made the potatoes look like brown-colored carrots.

The Default texture pack textures the Endermen to be tall, creepy-looking creatures that are black with glowing purple eyes. Derivation makes them a dark shade of grey with eyes randomly positioned all over their bodies.

Lava & Water
The water looked dark blue in the Default texture pack, while the lava was a bright orange; Derivation made the lava darker, and made the water a lighter, more transparent shade of blue with a shimmering appearance.

Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies, & Slime
The Default texture pack gives the creepers a mottled green appearance; the skeletons are plain white, while the zombies look like green guys without a mouth, and the slimes look like green cubes with a cartoonish face. With Derivation the creepers look like a mutant creature with a blank eye and an olive-green skin color, the skeletons have glowing, green eyes and look like they have algae or moss growing on their bones; the zombies have a greyish skin, orange eyes, & their backbone is sticking out; the slime has an appearance that actually looks slimy, and for a face it has a skull.

Witches, Wolves, Spiders (common & cave)
The Default witches don't look much different from the villagers, but with Derivation the witches look like the witches that you see everywhere during Halloween. With Derivation, the wolves have a darker coat, the spiders have lighter colors and different eyes.

Doors (Iron & Wood), Pressure Plates (Stone & Wood), & Buttons (stone & wood)
The Default texture pack made the iron & wooden doors look the same (except for obvious color differences), also the buttons/pressure plates look like the materials they were made from. The Derivation texture pack did the same with the buttons/pressure plates; they look like the materials they were made from. The doors were completely altered by Derivation; now they look nothing alike, the wooden door has a metal ring in the middle, and the iron door has a creepy face on it.

Derivation changed the trapdoor to look like wooden boards nailed in an iron frame.

The bed looks a little dirty with Derivation, while it looks a little goofy with the Default texture pack.

The cactus with Default looked bright-green with black dots for the spines, while the Derivation texture pack makes it darker green with white spines.

Assorted  Blocks

Assorted  Blocks

Assorted  Blocks
Ok so these are most of blocks available throughout the game; notice how Derivation has changed them from the Default texture pack.

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Got a Mod/Texture Pack or server you would like for me to try? Let me know in the comments (tell me the name of the Mod/Texture Pack or server and provide a web/IP-address to it).

Here is the download link for this texturepack: