Friday, May 24, 2013

Tutorial - Minecraft Crafting Recipies - Combat

This post is about crafting weapons & armor for combat. I will show you how to craft the items, and explain their uses. Before I show you the crafting, I need to explain the different materials available for use. For armor, the materials available are (in order of weakest to strongest): leather, gold, iron, & diamond. For swords, the materials are (in order of weakest to strongest): planks, gold, stone, iron, & diamond. To craft a bow you need sticks & string.

To craft armor, right-click a crafting table and arrange the material you desire your armor to be made from as seen in the above pictures. You can WEAR armor of different materials (i.e. leather boots with iron helmet, diamond leggings, and gold chestplate), but when CRAFTING the armor you cannot use multiple materials (i.e. you cannot craft a piece of armor out of both gold & iron).

To craft a sword, right-click a crafting table and arrange 1 stick and 2 pieces of the material you desire your sword to be made from as you can see in the above picture. As with armor, when crafting the sword you cannot use multiple materials (i.e. you cannot craft a sword out of both gold & iron).

To make a bow you arrange 3 of each string & sticks as seen in the picture above. You cannot use the bow for anything other than hitting unless you have an arrow.
(P.S. unlike swords & armor there are not different materials you can use to craft a bow unless you download a special mod)

There are 2 ways to obtain arrows:
1. They are occasionally dropped by skeletons upon death
2.They can be crafting by arranging flint, sticks, and feathers as seen in the picture above (note: you get 4 arrows for every 1 flint, stick, & feather you use to craft an arrow)

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