Sunday, March 31, 2013

Up Next

Ok so the reason I didnt do a post this week is I have been busy. Next Sunday I will post my review for the texture pack 'Derivation'.
Also, in the last post I provided an email address for you to reach me at with suggestions; I have nixed that idea so if you have suggestions then please post them in the comments.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

DokuCraft - A Minecraft Texture Pack Review

The pictures in this review are before (top) & after (bottom) screenshots. I downloaded the texture pack Dokucraft: Dark (download link at the end of pos
t), and I was was impressed as soon as I saw how awesome it looked. It takes the normal blocks and smooths them out giving them WAY more detail, and completely changes the appearance of some items. And (although i didn't take pictures of them) the toolbar, weapons, tools, & armor also look SICK. I focused mainly on the mobs & some of the blocks, but lots of the other items (like redstone dust, bones, & gunpowder) are completely altered (and look much better than in default).
(BTW. I did all of this in creative mode).

Before & After: Zombie Pigman and Netherrack
 I wasn't very impressed with the way the Zombie pigmen were changed; I wouldn't have known what they were if they hadn't been holding the golden swords, but the netherrack looked amazing and for more smooth than in the default texture pack.

Before & After: Pumpkins, Melons, & Glowstone
 I must say, I really like how the textures for the melons, and pumpkins show greater contrast; it makes them look a lot better, and more like the items they represent. Also the glowstone looks creepier (in an awesome way) than the original gold color.

Before & After: Chickens
 The chickens look a lot less pixelized in Dokucraft than in the default; in my opinion a BIG improvement.

 Before & After: Nether Brick & Obsidian
 When comparing the texture of the nether brick in the top & bottom pics I noticed that the nether brick blocks look much less blurry with Dokucraft than with the default texture pack on; you can see the individual bricks in the blocks more clearly with Dokucraft. Also the obsidian looks more rustic, and you can see the details of it's texture more clearly than with the default appearance.

Before & After: Emerald Block, Lapis Lazuli, & Chests
The first thing that I noticed about the emerald blocks, is that with DokuCraft on they look like crates with uneven pieces of emerald stored inside (even though I didn't show them, the diamond blocks look the same); compared to the default texture which makes the emerald blocks look more like big pieces of chiseled emerald. Considering that one of the uses of the emerald blocks is that they are a compact way to store emeralds, it is my opinion that Dokucraft makes the emerald blocks more realistic. I would have liked for DokuCraft to have done the same thing for the lapis lazuli; I am not very impressed with how DokuCraft makes the lapis look like blue brick blocks. Now the chests I must say look great with DokuCraft; they look like something that you could actually take pleasure in looking at.

 Before & After: Iron Blocks, Wool, Enchanting Table, Crafting Table, Ender Chest, Bed, & Jukebox
In this room the walls were made with Iron Blocks, which definitely look more picturesque with DokuCraft, also the way that the ender chest looks in DokuCraft is better than in the original because it looks more like the obsidian that it is made with. The jukebox looks more like a record player in DokuCraft (an improvement in my opinion), also the crafting table and enchanting table both look more decoratively attractive. The bed actually looks less clumsy & more comfortable with DokuCraft, and the wool blocks (I used them for the floor) look like tiles and have a better look.

 Book Shelves
With the original texture for Minecraft, I am sure that all of us playing were able to recognize that they were bookshelves by looking at them, however the books look rather clumsy & boring. With DokuCraft the books have an old, leather-bound appearance that I (personally) love. Also with DokuCraft you can tell at first glance that this is a bookshelf.

Furnaces &Torches
Ok, so the first thing that I want to say about the furnaces is that they look quite sexy (forgive my choice of words, but that seemed to fit best), but then I also want to say that they don't really resemble furnaces; if I hadn't put those furnaces there (knowing what they were) I would have had no clue as to what they were. Now the torches with DokuCraft look like something out of a fantasy dungeon game, which I found looks way better. Also the flame in those torches looks more like an actual fire burning compared to the default texture. I think that the developer of DokuCraft could definitely have added something like grating to the furnaces to make it a bit more obvious what they are, but the torches look great (and really, it is rather obvious what they are with both packs).

Wooden Door & Stone
In DokuCraft, the stone blocks resemble the cobblestone blocks from the default pack (though i didn't show them, I will go ahead and say that cobblestone blocks look like brick blocks), this confused me at first until I tried building a house with cobblestone. The DokuCraft door looks like wooden boards in a metal frame, which looks pretty good in my opinion.

Together: Stone Blocks, Chests, Nether Brick, Brewing Stands
Here are some of the things I have reviewed together. 

Magma Cube
DokuCraft didn't change much about the appearance of the Magma cube, but it did smooth it out and now it looks more like a chunk of lava with  fiery eyes. Rather hot (no pun intended) improvement.

The creeper in the default pack looks like a spotted thing with a 2 holes for eyes, & then it's mouth is rather unattractive. With DokuCraft its appearance is much smoother, mouth is gone, and it actually has eyes, it looks good enough that I could just stand there & look at it (if it wouldn't blow me up).

 Iron Golem
With DokuCraft the Iron Golem looks like a robot, looks kinda freaky coming at you. Compared to DokuCraft the default Iron Golem looks like a plush toy.

This particular villager was a priest... it appears that DokuCraft changes the villagers to look like orcs or goblins.
Here are a bunch of them so you can see what they all look like.
So the villagers all look like orcs with varying costume, I am a big fan of fantasy stories & I love orcs so this was a pleasant surprise to me.

Sand & Water

 In the default pack I think the sand looks great (even when compared to DokuCraft), however DokuCraft definitely smoothed out the texture for the sand blocks and gave the water a more shimmery, clean look.

Here are a few of the animals... I would have shown each by itself but i was unable to.
Notice the Mooshroom's eyes; DokuCraft gave the mooshrooms actual eyeballs instead of the empty black dot that they had with the default texture pack. I also like how they edited the wolves to give them their gray coat.

The witches look like the priest villagers do, just with a different outfit. Like I said earlier I like orcs, but I  think they should have changed the way that the witches looked to make em look more different from the villagers.

There really wasn't much change in the Endermen's appearance, aside from smaller, yellow colored eyes they do not look much different.

The silverfish were changed from spiny looking creepy-crawlies to looking more like beetle larvae.

In the original Texture Pack, the blaze (when placid) looks like a fiery, humanoid, being surrounded by smoke. With DokuCraft the blaze looks like a shadowy, demonic creature surrounded by flames. I really think that it looks better this way.

 Cave Spider

The Spiders (normal and cave) haven't changed much with DokuCraft except their eyes... which look better now that they look rounder and more like eyes.

The slimes in the default pack look like plain blocks jumping around and making squishing sounds. With DokuCraft they actually look slimy and creepy, and more like slime.

In my opinion the only thing creepy about the zombies in default was the snarling noise they make, they really didn't look like they were dead. With Dokucraft they look like they have sustained bad injuries, making it rather plain that they are dead.

In the original texture pack the skeletons looked rather bland, with DokuCraft their appearance has changed completely. The first thing I should probably say about them is that they are NOT wearing armor (except for 1 of them), their new outfits makes them look scary (for minecraft anyway) as do their glowing green eyes.

This might just be me, but I find that I\ the darker green of the Cacti in DokuCraft, along with the spinier appearance that it has, is more cactus-like than in default.

Ghast & Lava

With the default texture pack, the ghasts look like gigantic, sad, & babyish ghosts... DokuCraft changed one thing about them; it made them appear old & wrinkled. Making them look more like something from hell (the Nether IS a hell-ish place).
The lava looks better in DokuCraft; I like how it glows even though it is darker in appearance than in the default texture pack.

Wither Skeletons
Just like the skellies in the normal world, the wither skeletons look like they are wearing armor (once again, they aren't). With DokuCraft, he main difference between their appearance and the normal skellies is the same as with the default; the wither skellies are just darker in color.

After using this texture pack, I have come to the conclusion that it is a very good one for building; with all the ways that the blocks are changed the things that you build will be much better looking. DokuCraft gives everything a slight Gothic appearance and improves the appearance of mobs for a more thrilling gameplay experience.

Here is the link to this AWESOME texture pack:

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Got a Mod/Texture Pack or server you would like for me to try? email me at (tell me the name of the Mod/Texture Pack or server and provide a web/IP-address to it).